Saturday, June 1, 2019

"Dark Forces" Attacking Lt. Gov. Hampton Are the Ones She Eagerly Allied With

Lay down with repugs, get up with corruption, crime and clusterfucks.

And oh, yeah: racist, misogynistic motherfuckers.

You're a black woman, Jenean Hampton.  Successful and a veteran.  All the rights - ALL the rights you have as both an African-American and a woman have been brought to you by liberals and progressives (republicans for about 15 years 160 years ago, and Democrats since 1933.)

Why did you ever imagine teaming up with conservative assholes like Matt Bevin to destroy the Commonwealth and eventually the nation would turn out well for you?

Why are your wasting your own and everybody's else's time asking them to talk to an imaginary sky wizard? 

Why aren't you on Rachel Maddow exposing all of Bevin's crimes? Why aren't you rallying black and female voters behind Andy Beshear?

What. The. Fuck. Is. Wrong. With. You?

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