Friday, August 31, 2018

Hands Off Social Security, Motherfuckers

Killing Social Security is the repug holy grail.  Once the social program that allows workers disabled by destructive corporations and exhausted by decades of unpaid overtime to retire with dignity is dead, then the billionaires can force everyone who is not filthy rich to work literally to death without relief, and the New Gilded Age will be permanent.

Ddown with Tyranny:


Scribble A Day said...

Agree with everything but the conclusion that all is needed to save SS is to restore funds 'stolen' by Congress. Any examination of the problem must realize that a large part of the problem is the simple math of : You can't spend more than you take in without running out of money. There are fixes available, but they will need to encompass several changes to the program. This site explores the issue in depth.

Procopius said...

Agree 100% with Susan Dress. The [family blog] Greenspan Commission fixed Social Security, and than corporations succeeded in warping the distribution of incomes subject to FICA. Now so much is going to CEOs, which workers' wages remain stagnant, that the amount paid in to the Trust Fund has not kept up with the overall economy's growth. Remove the cap.