Repug Trumpies Trying to Swift Boat Amy McGrath
C/mon, Herald: Don't fall for this shit. Just because these critics are "veterans" doesn't mean they are not partisan shills doing the bidding of Cheeto Twitler.
Not to mention the extreme hostility of old white male veterans toward any vagina-haver who dares to tread on "their" turf
From the Herald:
It’s where Democratic candidate Amy McGrath, a former Marine Corps fighter pilot, was inducted into the Kentucky Aviation Hall of Fame two years ago. It’s near where she filmed campaign ads that drew national attention last year. And it’s where a group of veterans who support U.S. Rep. Andy Barr, a Republican, rallied for more than two hours Wednesday night to say she shouldn’t be elected in November.
“McGrath’s commercials accuse Andy Barr of being scared,” said Travis Cassidy, a retired Marine Corps sergeant. “I am here to tell you Andy Barr has no reason to be scared. U.S. Marines know war is won on the ground, not by the air.”
Um, Sergeant? You do know that Candy Barr has not spent a single minute in the uniform of his country, right? You do know that Candy's response to 9-11 was to suck up to Kentucky repugs even harder, right? You do know that Candy has yet to say a word against the "president" who has publicly confessed treason, right?
McGrath, a retired lieutenant colonel, has made her military service the bedrock of her candidacy. She calls her campaign her 90th combat mission and has featured fighter jets in each of her ads. In her stump speech, she often talks about how her experience in the military will help her cross party lines to fix the nation’s problems.
Mostly, the event served as a way to diminish the importance of McGrath’s military experience, her largest strength as a candidate.Precisely. These are the same mindless repugs who libeled genuine war hero John Kerry to promote a Vietnam War draft dodger who deserted his post in wartime.
The same blind partisans who cheered the Pumpkin Traitor - another Vietnam draft dodger - when he slandered John McCain as a "loser" for getting captured and surviving 5 years of torture.
Veterans can support any political candidate they choose. But when they use their veteran status to lie about another candidate, it is the duty of reporters and editors to call them out for it.
Candy Barr and Cheeto Twitler don't give a flying fuck about you, veterans. Stop doing their dirty work.