If your goal is actually to balance the budget rather than just drown the last shreds of public service and government in the Commonwealth, there are a few sources of money you should tap before attacking the agencies that serve Kentucky citizens.
with the $1.8 million he's handing to the freakazoid grifters of the
Big Wooden Box. Then however much he paid his buddies to recommend
destroying the state pension system in order to save it. Then let's
make rich fucks and corporations pay their fair share of taxes that they
haven't paid for the last 30 years.
Then we'll see how much the "shortfall" is.
Bevin's lying. Again.
The Bevin administration asked constitutional officers and cabinet secretaries Friday to cut spending in most state agencies by 17.4 percent this fiscal year to address an expected $200 million budget shortfall.
cuts would not affect SEEK, the state’s school funding formula;
universities; Medicaid; the Department of Corrections; and debt
payments, said Bevin communications director Amanda Stamper.
a letter to state officials, State Budget Director John Chilton said
Kentucky “must start preparing for the ongoing financial challenges
facing the state” and come up with a budget reduction plan by Sept. 25.
Chilton said the cuts would save an estimated $350 million, enough to
close the $200 million projected shortfall for the fiscal year that
began July 1
and replenish the state’s $150 million rainy day fund for emergencies.
He said the emergency fund will be spent in coming months and must be
replaced to protect the state’s credit rating.
has endured repeated rounds of budget cuts since the Great Recession of
2008. In all, some state agencies will have seen more than 70 percent
of their budgets disappear in the last decade, according to the
liberal-leaning Kentucky Center for Economic Policy.
House Minority Leader Rocky Adkins, D-Morehead, called Bevin’s request “unprecedented.”
The possible cuts to services, programs and jobs “seem premature,” Adkins said.
only in the third month of the new fiscal year and the governor’s move
is based on a projection from a group of independent economists,” Adkins
said. “It would seem to me to be better and more responsible to wait
until more months pass in the fiscal year to get a better reading of
what the shortfall might be.”
Jason Bailey, executive director of the Berea-based Kentucky Center for Economic Policy, said Friday that the new cuts “are sudden, so early in the fiscal year.”
He said Friday’s announcement coupled with Thursday’s
announcement by the administration that local governments in Kentucky
might have to contribute up to 60 percent more money next year to
provide pensions for their employees is “clearly an attempt to create a
sudden crisis.”
“We need long-term solutions more carefully and thoughtfully reached,” he said.
the changes, Chilton has said the state would have to cut funding for
K-12 schools by $510 million and slash spending at most other agencies
by at least 16.8 percent to make up the difference. Meanwhile, Bevin has pledged to fight any proposal that increases taxes to pay for pensions.
Here's an easy way to judge anything Bevin says: If Governor I Got Mine Fuck You wants it, do everything you can to do the opposite.