bleeding-heart liberal acquaintance almost died in a fire deliberately
set by her psychopathic adopted son. Six years old, and he'd been
displaying violent behavior since he could walk. But never suffered any
kind of discipline for it. I asked her what she was going to do about
his fire-setting, and she said she hadn't even criticized him, much less
punished him, because she didn't want him to "grow up afraid."
said: "I want him to grow up afraid. I want him to spend every minute
terrified that he's going to spend the rest of his life in prison."
As if doing that consistently for the last 70 years has not been the biggest political failure in American history.
cannot - CANNOT - change the behavior of a psychopath, whether a
six-year-old or a million-moron movement. You can only confine them
where they cannot harm others.
their minority status is precisely why they’re feeling so anxious and
angry, and there’s no reason to fear that they’ll somehow constitute an
electoral majority (by themselves) in November. If calling Trump on his
racism and misogyny makes these folks love him more, it’s not an
electoral problem. Their views are on the margin as it is.
problematic is how this affects our culture, and the fissures that are
opening in our society are causing a gridlocked government where
consensus on issues large and small has become illusive.
might be healthier for our country if there were a little more space
for alternative views before they get shut down as obviously racist and
intolerant, but it’s hard to be gracious and patient with people who are
trying beat you politically so that they can continue to discriminate
against our nation’s most vulnerable people.
the other hand, while it may be hard, it’s also part of the recipe for
political and cultural success. When you meet firehoses and billy clubs
with love and a shining humanity, you will eventually win. And, before
too long, most of your oppressors will come to respect what you’ve done.
You. Fucking. Kidding. Me. When you meet firehoses and billy clubs
with love and a shining humanity ... You. Die. Ask Viola Liuzzo. Ask
Trayvon Martin how non-violence saved his life. Ask Matthew Shepherd
how being a nice guy saved his.
American gays how politely asking conservatives and repugs to grant
them human rights achieved marriage equality without having to drag the
motherfuckers all the way to the Supreme Court.
Hillary Clinton how 25 years of ignoring and rising above the rabid
hatred that spews from the right-wing swamps has turned that hatred into
republican respect and admiration for her accomplishments.
Ask President Obama how constant, non-stop compromise with repugs who
publicly called him a terrorist and a traitor got the American Jobs Act
passed, and the Economic Stimulus extended, and Medicaid expanded in red
states, and unanimous support for efforts to stop climate change.
This is not the 1960s, when racists could be shamed into letting Congress pass the Voting Rights Act and the Civil Rights Act.
is the 21st century, when conservatives and repugs represent an
immediate and lethal threat to very survival not just of American
democracy, but of the nation itself.
You don't fight a genuine existential threat with sweetness and light. You fight it with overwhelming force.
Or you inaugurate Donald Trump today.
Why is it always on people of color and progressives to be the bigger person?
don’t know. But there are real limits on how much you accomplish by
meeting intolerance with intolerance. And it’s hard to be patient with
angry people or to win them over with an attitude of moral superiority.
That’s why love for your neighbor and setting the right examples are
still the best answers.
Meanwhile, conservatard celebration of Trump has already poisoned the nation's children.
Yet the spirit of the GOP presidential candidate has surfaced here and, according to one study, in schools across the country.
An online survey of approximately 2,000 K-12 teachers by the Southern
Poverty Law Center found toxic political rhetoric invading elementary,
middle and high schools, emboldening children to make racist taunts that
leave others bewildered and anxious.
mapped it out. There was no state or region that jumped out. It was
everywhere,” said Maureen Costello, the study’s author. “Marginalized
students are feeling very frightened, especially Muslims and Mexicans.
Many teachers use the word terrified.” The children who did the taunting
were echoing Trump’s rhetoric, she said. “Bad behavior has been
normalized. They think it’s OK.”
More than
two-thirds of the teachers in the survey reported that students –
especially immigrants, children of immigrants and Muslims – have
expressed worries about what might happen to them or their families
after the November election. More than half reported an increase in
uncivil political discourse, and more than a third observed an increase
in anti-Muslim or anti-immigrant sentiment.
sure Longman thinks those children should be encouraged in their
vicious hatred. Because that will make them such valuable citizens.