Thursday, September 6, 2012

Three Myths No One Will Fact Check

In accepting the Democratic Party nomination for President tonight, Barack Obama referenced as facts three pernicious conservative myths so embedded in conventional wisdom that no one in the media will call them out, much less debunk them.

So I will.

1.  "Clean coal" as a means of reducing carbon emissions.  That's like promoting "dry water" as a solution to persistent flooding. There is No. Such. Thing. as clean coal. It's a myth, perpetuated by Big Coal for more than 50 years.

2. The Catfood Commission's plans to kill Social Security and Medicare as a means of saving Social Security and Medicare. This was exposed as the lethal con-job it is two years ago, even before Simpson-Bowles died a richly deserved death, yet Obama keeps re-animinating this disgusting zombie and siccing it on us.

3. Extreme poverty improves student outcomes. The lesson here is not how brave and exceptional is a student who won a science contest despite the hardships of homelessness, but what talent and potential is going to waste because we have shredded the social safety net to force children and families into homeless shelters.

How dare you, Mr. President, promote and spread these vicious, destructive myths to the American people. Shame on you. 

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