Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Suicidal Dems and the Repugs Who Exploit Them

Anyone who can look clearly at the behavior of congressional repugs over the last four years and claim that what the nation needs is more Democrats willing to compromise with a bunch of psychotic nihilists is not just a DINO, not just a betrayer of the only sane political party we've got, but a deluded clown who shouldn't be trust with car keys, much less national political policy.

I'm deeply saddened to say that describes Robert Reich.

From the Courier:

Trey Grayson, the former Kentucky secretary of state and Republican candidate for the U.S. Senate in 2010, is running a political action committee formed by former U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords that will try to elect Democrats who want to work with Republicans.

Grayson told The Washington Post that he remains a Republican but will be co-chairman of “Gabby PAC,” which is being created by former U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, the Arizona Democrat who was the victim of an assassination attempt in 2011.

The other co-chairman will be Robert Reich, a Democrat who served as Labor secretary under President Bill Clinton.
Giffords, before her attempted assassination, was one of the repugs' favorite Blue Dogs, consistently voting against the best interests of her middle-class constituents. It's no surprise that she is still working to help repugs destroy not just Social Security and Medicare, but the entire New Deal and Great Society.

Grayson lost the 2010 Senate primary to Rand Paul because he is not a teabagger, but neither is he the closet democrat his supporters whisper he is. He's a hard-core repug, and this new gig allows him to push the teabagger agenda while pretending to be the Last Moderate Republican.

Don't believe him. Don't believe her. And stop listening to Robert DINO Reich.

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