Conway Conquers Fancy Farm
Mid-morning Saturday, the drive along Highway 80 to Fancy Farm foreshadowed the afternoon's speeches. Along the eight-mile stretch of two-lane between drought-stressed fields of brown corn and stunted soybeans, Jack Conway for Senate signs dominated. I counted more than 100 Conway signs to zero Ron Paul signs between I-24 and St. Jerome's Catholic Church.
Conway's speech was strong, on target, passionate and real. It came as a relief after his passive and false-sounding performances at the Marshall County Bean Supper Friday night and the Graves County Democratic Breakfast that morning. I'd crossed my fingers that he was saving the fire for Fancy Farm, and I was right.
The Herald has video of both Conway's and Paul's speeches here.
Favorite moments:
- Ky Young Democrats RULE. They owned the crowd, drowned out the paulbots, and even shamed the olds out of their lawn chairs in the shade and onto their feet cheering for Conway.
- Paul spent the first half of his speech detailing the physical measurements of various government documents, including the tax code: 4 billion, 609 thousand pages, weight 89 pounds 13 oz, height 104 inches ... or something like that. I couldn't hear clearly over the Young Dems chanting "borrring, borrrring, borrrrring ...."
- Mitch McConnell publicly admitted his burning desire for a sexual threesome with Barack Obama and Nancy Pelosi. Why else would he mention at least a dozen times in a six-minute speech the names of two people who aren't running for office in Kentucky?
- Jim Pence of Hillbilly Report showed Democrats How. It's. Done. He took on a teabagger in full faux-colonial regalia by demanding the idiot sign the "Socialist-Free Purity Pledge." The bagger refused of course, and you could hear Pence clear across the crowd yelling for the old codger to "tear up your social security check! Tear up your Medicare check!" WKYT filmed it, but offers just a minute of the hilarity here.
- More Young Dems shenanigans: passing out "Dr.Paul's Old-Time Liberty Elixir" - "Made with 75 percent out-of-state ingredients," "Mixes Well with Tea!" "Cure for Such Ailments As: The ADA, The Civil Rights Act, and That Pesky Social Security!" "Not Recommended for Foot-in-Mouth Disease, Unemployment, a Thriving Economy, Strong National Defense or Common Sense."
- The Kentucky Democratic Party is an irredeemable bottomless shithole of incompetence. It paid to print the hilarious "Rand Paul's Waffle House Menu," but still does not have the content posted on line. As of 1:28 p.m. Eastern time, almost 24 hours later, it still does not have a single mention of Fancy Farm on the website, much less pictures, video, or a facsimile of Rand Paul's Waffle House Menu. Here's a taste:
No regulations or board certification on Rand's recipes ... get prepared for a delicious disaster.Ask about our Veteran's discount!Discount has been cut. Smothered, covered, diced positions, until you can't recognize them. **Rand reserves the right to refuse service to anyone due to reace, gender, disability, or really anything else Rand wants.** - Best campaign gimmick (after Rand Paul's Waffle House): Carpenter Ed Marksberry, Democratic challenger for the Second Congressional District, literally cutting tax cuts for the rich, and for his T-shirt slogan "If you can read this, you are close enough to make a donation."

More Herald coverage here and here.
UPDATE, 6:00 a.m. Kentuckians for the Commonwealth were there.
Media Czech's unique take, with pix and videos.
Cross-posted at They Gave Us A Republic ....
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