Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Rampant and Potentially Disastrous Incompetence

I don't post on national security, mostly because I don't know much more than that whatever Smirky/Darth is proposing is probably disastrous.

But Blue Girl at Watching Those We Chose is the next best thing to an expert, so when she says it's red-alarm time, I pay attention.

The Pentagon said on Tuesday that it mistakenly shipped non-nuclear ballistic missile components to Taiwan from a U.S. Air Force base in Wyoming.

So, now the question is this: given that the Air Force has now shipped nuclear weapons across the country without properly accounting for them, and given this latest slip-up, who's being fired?

Shouldn't Gates just be wholesale cashiered on this one, to reassure the Chinese that we're serious about looking for accountability on this matter? I'm thinking that if we fired Gates, Wynne and a few others, that might do the trick.

Don't hold your breath.

Update I - Blue Girl - 10:20 central

It is time for the House and Senate Armed Services committees to call for and demand a global stand-down of the Air Force. The errors that are happening are too frequent and too egregious and the incompetence of the godboys at the top represents a clear and immediate threat to the national security.

One of the few reassuring ideas during the Iraq Catastrophe has been that the Pentagon harbored a few real soldiers who were truly apalled at the incompetence of the Smirky/Darth regime and were working frantically behind the scenes to limit the damage.

It now appears that Smirky-Darth's incompetence is contagious, virulent and potentially lethal.

Read the whole thing.

Cross-posted at BlueGrassRoots.

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