Thursday, November 1, 2007


Far be it from me to extrapolate from a single example, but there's a house along my route to work the yard of which has undergone a transformation during this election year.

Starting around January, four Re-Elect Fletcher signs sprouted in the yard.

They caught my attention not only for their number and the way they were carefully angled to take advantage of the curve of the road, but because they were the only Fletcher signs in a five-mile stretch.

All four signs remained through spring. But after the primary, they started to disappear, one at a time.

The day after the June Survey USA poll showed Beshear up more than 20 points, the yard was down to three signs.

The week after Fancy Farm, there were only two.

On Labor Day, a single Fletcher sign hung on. Battered and leaning, it seemed almost embarassed by Ernie's increasingly desperate campaign.

October found the yard clear of signs. But on Monday, a new sign appeared:

"For Sale."

Cross-posted at BlueGrassRoots.

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