Thursday, September 27, 2007

The Most Important Office for Democrats to Win in This Election is NOT Governor


There is one and only one state office on the ballot in November that Kentucky Democrats must win.

Unfortunately, it's also the one office Democrats seem most reluctant to take away from the Republican incumbent.

No question Secretary of State Trey Grayson is the most competent and least-corrupt Republican office-holder in Frankfort.

No question that Democratic challenger Bruce Hendrickson, a qualified candidate and fine person by all accounts, has yet to make a compelling argument for preferring him over Grayson.

But no question that Democrats simply cannot afford to have a Republican Secretary of State in charge of elections in 2008.

In other words, when you hear or see "Trey Grayson," think "Katherine Harris."

As Mark Nickolas of Bluegrass Report makes clear, the 2000 Florida debacle that stole the presidential election from Al Gore boils down to the series of perfectly legal decisions made by Florida Secretary of State, Republican Katherine Harris.

Who do I want as the state's top election official during next year's races? If McConnell's re-election (or even the presidential race) comes down to a few thousand votes, who do I want making the calls on election challenges or provisional ballots or when to certify a race or how to manage a recount at the top of the ticket? Is there any doubt that Trey -- like Katherine Harris -- will provide the Republican Party with an advantage at every possible turn within his legitimate power as Secretary of State? I have no doubt.

A friend recently raged against Hendrickson because that despicable bigot Frank Simon has endorsed Hendrickson.

OK, maybe a Frank Simon endorsement is prima facie evidence of unfitness for office. And for any other office, I'd be tempted to go for even a wingnut over a Friend of Frank's.

But Secretary of State isn't any other office. It is THE office. The one whose holder will determine whether every Democrat who is eligible to vote is allowed to register to vote, and whether every Democrat who is registered to vote is allowed to vote.

If Democrats do not reclaim the Secretary of State's office, then having a Democratic Governor, Lt. Gov., Attorney General, Auditor, Treasurer and even Commissioner of Agriculture will not make the slightest difference.

What profiteth a Kentuckian to gain the governorship, if we lose the right to have our votes count?

UPDATE, 6:10 p.m., Friday, Sept. 27: In comments, someone on Hendrickson's campaign claims the Simon endorsement was a mistake and takes the blame. An anonymous commenter respond that if that is the case, Hendrickson must publicly refuse the endorsement and disavow Simon. If Hendrikson does so, he will gain both votes and contributions. If he does not, he deserves to lose.

Cross-posted at Bluegrass Roots


Anonymous said...

Take it for what it is worth but I am to blame for the Simon endorsement and after I realized who Simon was it was too late.

We filled out every questionnaire we could get. That's what you do when there is no money. It is called grassroots, but it was not Bruce's fault, I take full responsibility for it.

Anonymous said...

There's a very, very, very easy way to address this. Just disavow his endorsement!

What a way to make a positive statement, re-energize your Democratic base, and possibly pull the biggest upset of the fall races.

If Hendrickson does that, he's got my vote AND $100.