Sunday, February 2, 2020

This is why we vote Democratic

The legal business that repug Matt Bevin spent four years trying - illegally and unconstitutionally - to destroy is free to provide medical services to women, thanks to our new Democratic governor.

Don't you ever try to tell me that there's no difference between the parties.

From the Courier:

Planned Parenthood now has permission to provide abortions at its clinic in downtown Louisville, making it the second facility in Kentucky to offer the procedure at a time when providers in some states are closing clinics under pressure from anti-abortion laws.

The decision by the administration of Gov. Andy Beshear was hailed by Planned Parenthood of Indiana and Kentucky as a victory for women’s health and reproductive rights, saying the decision allows it to provide “­a full range of reproductive health care.”

“This week, Kentucky went from one abortion provider to two, which is a significant win for reproductive health care in the state,” said Chris Charbonneau, Planned Parenthood’s CEO for Kentucky and Indiana. “All people in Kentucky deserve to make their own pregnancy decisions and to have access to safe and legal abortion.”

But the decision is sure to infuriate abortion opponents, including Republicans in the legislature who have pushed through more than half a dozen bills to limit or ban abortion in the past three years, though some have been blocked by court challenges.

Just this week, Kentucky abortion opponents rallied outside a federal courthouse in Cincinnati, where judges with the 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals heard arguments on whether a 2018 Kentucky law to restrict abortions is constitutional.


The decision to grant the approval follows a four-year fight by Planned Parenthood with former Gov. Matt Bevin, an anti-abortion Republican whose administration had twice denied it a license to provide abortions.

But in January, the administration of Beshear — a Democrat who supports the right to abortion — rescinded that denial and announced that officials would allow Planned Parenthood to pursue approval. Beshear took office Dec. 10.

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Your First 2020 Election Meme

Via wonkette commenter Bill D. Burger
