5,000 gods
Down with Tyranny:
Liberal Politics from the Heart of Bluegrass Country
Down with Tyranny:
Posted by
Yellow Dog
7:15 AM
Labels: Freakazoids, religion
One: Nothing inside a woman's body that is not outside that body and breathing air is a baby, a child, an infant, a precious life, an unborn fucking anything.
Two: It's a clump of cells, a fetus, a tumor, and none of your fucking business.
Three: Until a single legislative body in the United States of America passes a single fucking law regulating anything a man does with his own body, no legislative body in the United States of America has any right to pass a single fucking law regulating anything a woman does with her own body.
Four: It is none of your fucking business.
Five: Abortion is a simple, safe, effective medical procedure, and none of your fucking business.
Six: Abortion. On. Demand. Free of Charge. No Questions Asked. No Requirements. Available to Everyone, 24-7, on Every Fucking Street Corner in America.
Seven: Because it is None of Your Fucking Business.
Eight: Questioning, much less challenging, the above facts, should result in felony charges of Violating Civil Rights, International Human Rights Violations and Felony Conspiracy to Enslave Female Citizens.
Nine: Attempts to restrict a woman's bodily autonomy have nothing to do with pregnancy, abortion, childbirth, babies, children, or morality. They are about denying civil and human rights to women. They are about restricting civil and human rights to white, straight, xian, rich, conservative, repug men.
Ten: The rest of us are subhuman, fit only for slavery.
Disagree? Fuck off and die in a fire.
Still think making abortions illegal will lead to a child-happy paradise? Yeah, you're a moron.
Posted by
Yellow Dog
12:00 PM
Labels: abortion, facts, women's rights
Wonkette commenter divegirl:
Posted by
Yellow Dog
6:49 AM
Labels: abortion, patriarchy, women's rights
Everywhere you look for the Real Resistance, the fight on the ground to protect women's reproductive rights, Black Women are in the vanguard. It's way past time white women stepped the fuck up and supported them in the best way white women can: with MONEY.
Crooks and Liars:
Winstead is co-creator of The Daily Show, and (to me) even more importantly, is founder of Lady Parts Justice League. As the sole white woman on Joy's panel discussion of the simultaneously psychotic and pathetic Republican march towards eliminating the protections of Roe v. Wade, Winstead offered the following advice to people wondering how they can help.
Do we hear that, white ladies? Black women are already ON THIS. They have already mobilized, and have been for YEARS. Because white people did this to Black women FIRST. We have been for centuries. Name me a moment - just a MOMENT in American history when Black women had total control over their reproductive lives. I'll wait. (No, I won't — I have things to do.) White women are so blown away by the Handmaid's Tale, and meanwhile Black women are saying, "We've been living this for centuries."I've been to every single one of these [states,] I've been to Alabama four times, Georgia twice, Mississippi five times, Kentucky twice. the activists on the ground, and this is super important to realize, is that the activists on the ground are doing incredible work and a lot of this work legislatively, the abortion funds helping poor women are run by tremendously bad-@ss, if I can, women of color. So when these things happen, when people are like, "What can I do, what can I do?" the first thing you can do is just Google that state and find out where their abortion fund is, find out where those reproductive justice organizations are on the ground and donate to them first. Support them first.
Posted by
Yellow Dog
6:00 PM
Labels: abortion, African-Americans, Resistance, White Privilege, women's rights
If a Democrat is elected in 2020, that person should use all the powers of the office to demonstrate once and for all that the prion disease afflicting the Republicans now has reached terminal stage and that the GOP is a mad dog, snapping at phantoms in midair, and endangering the public health and welfare. Mitch McConnell should be made an object of anger and ridicule, and that work should come from the top. The mad dog is at the door.
Posted by
Yellow Dog
2:00 PM
Labels: 2020 election, 2020 Presidential race, Democratic candidates, repugs, Senator Mitch McConnell
From divegirl at Wonkette:
Posted by
Yellow Dog
6:46 AM
Labels: 2019 election, 2020 elections, Congressional repugs, repugs, Senator Mitch McConnell, stupidity
Posted by
Yellow Dog
6:20 AM
Labels: abortion, guns, women's rights
'Cause it's more fun anyway and sometimes you win.
And in the immortal words of a soaked Infield attendee, "It's not a real Derby unless it rains."Country House's win in the 2019 Kentucky Derby will be remembered throughout history for a number of reasons.The first thing people will talk about is the finish. Maximum Security was declared the winner initially, but Country House eventually was named the victor after an objection led to a disqualification.But people will also remember Country House's long odds. The Bill Mott-trained colt was a 65-1 long shot at post time, among the longest odds in the race.
Posted by
Yellow Dog
7:00 AM
Labels: Country House, horses, Kentucky Derby