Friday, August 23, 2013

And She Didn't Even Have a Taser

From Firedoglake:

In Decatur, GA a remarkable woman, an unarmed school clerk, convinced a would-be mass killer of school children to disarm and allow himself to be arrested.
More details here.

Meanwhile, the stupid prevails in Arkansas.

Annie-Rose Strasser at Think Progress:

A school in Arkansas wants any potential shooters to know: Its teachers are armed, and ready for a showdown.

Since the Arkansas Christian Academy is a private school, it is not subject to the rules for public schools in the state that prevent teachers from carrying firearms. To that end, the school has between one and seven staff members carrying a weapon on any given day, according to Pastor Perry Black, who this week posted signs that say “Staff is armed and trained. Any attempt to harm children will be met with deadly force.”

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