Saturday, August 24, 2013

Industry Always Lies

As the Kentucky battle against the Bluegrass Pipeline heats up, keep that in mind.

Erik Loomis at Lawyers, Guns and Money:

Industry fought against all evidence that lead exposure hurt people since at least 1767. Robin Russell-Jones rightfully compares that to the battle against fracking today, with industry saying that there are no major environmental problems at all with the process, despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary. The lesson is to never trust industry positions on the environmental or health effects of their products. In fact, we’d be better off assuming they are lying and forcing corporations to convince us they are not.
Same with tobacco, same with pharmaceuticals, same with air pollution, same with Love Canal, same with DDT and dioxin, ad nauseum, ad infinitum.

They lie because they have to. If they told the truth, no one would ever buy their shit and they'd go out of business. Or to prison.

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