Friday, August 23, 2013

Hey, Racist Morons: Kynect IS Obamacare

And no, you can't have any. Fuck you.

Kevin Drum:

It comes from HuffPo's Jason Cherkis, and what I'd forgotten is that the state programs don't even call it ACA. They all have their own names:

A middle-aged man in a red golf shirt shuffles up to a small folding table with gold trim, in a booth adorned with a flotilla of helium balloons, where government workers at the Kentucky State Fair are hawking the virtues of Kynect, the state’s health benefit exchange established by Obamacare.

The man is impressed. “This beats Obamacare I hope,” he mutters to one of the workers.

“Do I burst his bubble?” wonders Reina Diaz-Dempsey, overseeing the operation. She doesn’t. If he signs up, it’s a win-win, whether he knows he’s been ensnared by Obamacare or not.

This is officially too good to check, but I checked anyway. If you go to the Kynect website, you can look far and wide and never get a clue that it has anything at all to do with Obamacare or ACA or even the federal government. "kynect is here to help you find the right coverage," the fact sheet says cheerily. "It’s a new kind of health insurance marketplace — convenient and easy to use. With one application, kynect will check your eligibility for programs that can help you pay for health insurance for yourself, your family or your employees." Roger that.
You don't want Obamacare? Fine. You don't get Obamacare. Fuck off. Pay the fine and don't even THINK about getting on-the-taxpayer medical care from an emergency room.

Also, fuck you Steve Beshear and all you oh-so-clever kynect creators. What are you going to do in five years when everybody knows how much better-than-Social-Security Obamacare is and they start demanding you replace Kynect with Obamacare?

Racist morons, ALL of you.

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