Friday, March 1, 2013

Stumbo Admits Judd Can Beat McConnell

Once upon a time, Greg Stumbo might have been able to beat McConnell. He squandered his chances, and settled for the House Speakership, which in some ways is more powerful than U.S. Senator. But he knows Kentucky election politics better than anyone in the state.

Joe Gerth at the Courier:
“When I talk to her, I’m going to encourage her as I would any other candidate that this is a winnable race, that this guy’s vulnerable,” said Stumbo, D-Prestsonsburg. “Not only is it winnable, not only is he vulnerable, America needs for him to go.”

Stumbo said McConnell has done little for Kentucky and that he doesn’t even call McConnell senator. “I don’t call him ‘Senator,’ I call him other bad words,” he said.
He's a good distance away from endorsing Judd, but he's way too smart to insult and dismiss her.

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