Saturday, March 2, 2013

Dominionism Gets Big Boost from Kentucky Legislature

UPDATE:  Joe Sonka on how this bill will gut every local Fairness Ordinance in the Commonwealth.

Because this is not about respecting the beliefs of muslims or buddhists or animists.  This is about forcing everyone to suffer under the Bronze-Age-mythological dictates of xianist freakazoids.

Beth Musgrave at the Herald:
A bill that would strengthen people's ability to ignore Kentucky regulations or laws that violate their religious beliefs is now headed to the Republican-controlled Senate.
On Friday, House Bill 279 passed the Democrat-controlled House, 82-7, with 11 members not voting on the bill.

Rep. Bob Damron, D-Nicholasville, the sponsor of HB 279, said the measure would further clarify religious freedoms in state law. Thirteen other states have similar laws. The federal government enacted a religious-freedom bill in 1993.

Damron said the bill was needed because of recent state and U.S. Supreme Court cases that have changed the way religious freedom is interpreted.

But several Democratic House members spoke Friday in opposition to the measure during debate on the House floor, saying it was being pushed by the Catholic Church so it would not have to comply with any state or federal laws that direct health plans to provide birth control or other contraceptives to women.
No, Beth, this is not about "strengthen(ing) people's ability to ignore Kentucky regulations or laws that violate their religious beliefs." This is about allowing one freakazoid sect to defy the rule of law.

Birth control ain't the half of it. Fundamentalist pharmacists will refuse to fill prescriptions they don't like, half-wit clerks will refuse to sell condoms to single women, employers will fire women they think are having sex outside of marriage.

And that's just the start. The bible the freakazoids claim is literal divine law demands that parents kill their disobedient children, husbands stone their disobedient wives and everyone murder homosexuals.  Wave bye-bye to child protection laws, domestic violence laws, hate-crime laws.

There isn't a single law or regulation protecting the health, safety, freedom and civil rights of American citizens that freakazoids can't find a biblical excuse to ignore.

The only "religious freedom" the freakazoids want is the kind practiced in Saudi Arabia and Pakistan and Afghanistan. And this bill will give it to them.

The state senate will pass this motherfucker in record time.  Everybody who thinks Governor Cowardly Waste of Oxygen will veto it, stand on your head.

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