Friday, March 1, 2013

Big Gubmint Saving Lives - Again

You won't be reading about dead miners being carried out of an Eastern Kentucky coal mine, at least not from one particular mine shut down for multiple safety violations.

Shut down by jack-booted thugs from the federal government.

From  the AP:
Federal officials said a round of surprise mine inspections in January led to the closing of an Eastern Kentucky underground mine because of dozens of safety violations.

The Mine Safety and Health Administration sent inspectors to Rain Coal Co.'s No. 1 Mine in Floyd County on Jan. 15 after an anonymous complaint. Officials issued 54 citations and five orders that shut down the mine for more than a week. MSHA inspectors said Rain Coal failed to comply with a ventilation plan to control dust that could potentially cause an ignition.
"Ignition." That's not starting a car; that's a massive explosion and fire that burns miners to death.

"Anonymous complaint." That's a huge risk taken by a worker who knows he can't count on state regulators to enforce federal whistleblower protections.

The only thing that will stop the war on workers and drive home the fact that job performers, not fake job creators, are what keep this country running is a general strike.

Read more here:

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