Thursday, February 28, 2013

Kentucky Considers Finally Ending Prohibition

No, not of pot. Of alcohol sales on Election Day.

Jack Brammer at the Herald:
The Kentucky General Assembly appears poised to lift the state's Election Day booze-buying ban, which would leave South Carolina as the only remaining state that enforces the Prohibition-era rule.


The bill affects only wet areas of the state. It would allow each community to decide whether they want to ban alcohol sales on Election Day.

Kentucky's ban is a relic of the Prohibition era, when saloons sometimes served as polling stations.


The Distilled Spirits Council of the United States estimated last year that Kentucky's treasury loses more than $625,000 a year in sales tax revenue because of the ban. It estimated that Kentucky retail stores, bars and restaurants lost more than $4.5 million in revenue each year.

The Kentucky League on Alcohol and Gambling Problems is opposed to the bill, executive director Don Cole said. His group has a 30-member board that represents numerous churches across the state, he said.
Yeah, you knew the freakazoids were gonna show up. They're the bootleggers' best friends.

Read more here:

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