Friday, February 22, 2013

What Did Steve Beshear Tell Ashley Judd?

Did he encourage her to challenge Mitchie-poo? Or did he tell her not to worry her pretty little head, the big boys will take care of it?

Linda Blackford at the Herald:
Gov. Steve Beshear said Thursday that he has spoken with actress Ashley Judd and plans to talk more with her about next year's U.S. Senate race.

"She's been trying to arrange and will be arranging some more conversations here in the next month or so," Beshear told reporters after a bill signing.

Beshear said he spoke with Judd at the Bluegrass Ball in Washington D.C. in January. He declined to say if he would endorse her entry into the race against Republican incumbent Mitch McConnell.
Yeah, I'd say Judd is going to have to beat McConnell without any help from the old boys' club in Frankfort - and probably with their active opposition.

Which is good, since they're a bunch of losers who have been enabling McConnell's reelection for 30 years now.

Read more here:

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