Friday, February 22, 2013

Senate Committee Votes to Fuck with the Feds

In 2012, Kentucky was the state hardest-hit by drought, losing 50 percent of its corn crop.  Next weekend will be the one-year anniversary of freak early tornadoes that flattened the town of West Liberty and caused tens of millions of dollars in damage across the state.

Without federal disaster aid, Kentucky would be bankrupt. Not just last year, but every year past and every year yet to come.  So how do the repugs in the state senate express their gratitude and hope for continued federal largesse? By telling the federal government to fuck off and die.

Jack Brammer at the Herald:
Kentucky would not enforce any federal law or regulation made after Jan. 1, 2013, if it bans or restricts ownership of a semi-automatic firearm or requires gun registration under a bill a state Senate committee approved Thursday.

The measure is needed to protect the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which gives people the right to keep and bear arms, said Sen. Jared Carpenter, R-Berea, who sponsored the measure.

Sen. Kathy Stein, D-Lexington, rejected that argument, saying it is Senate Bill 129, not federal gun regulations proposed in the aftermath of the Sandy Hook Elementary shooting, that would violate the U.S. Constitution.
I say "repugs," although the guntard dems in the state house are likely to jump on board this train of stupidity and I doubt either speaker Greg Stumbo or Governor Steve "Cowardly Waste of Oxygen" Beshear will stop them.

Read more here:

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