Friday, February 22, 2013

The Vicco Effect Brings Domestic-Partner Benefits to Berea

It's a matter of civic pride, now: tiny Vicco and not-much-bigger Berea are extending civil rights to all citizens, and making towns like Bowling Green and Elizabethtown and Shelbyville look bad for refusing.

Bill Estep at the Herald:
Berea has become the third city in Kentucky to extend domestic-partner benefits to employees, an advocacy group said Thursday in a news release.

Berea Mayor Steve Connelly issued an executive order Feb. 14 to include lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender city employees in the city's non-discrimination policy, barring discrimination in hiring, firing and benefits based on an employee's sexual orientation.

That order also made city employees eligible for domestic-partner benefits. Couples are eligible if they have shared the same residence for at least 12 months and are financially interdependent, according to the news release.

Read more here:

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