Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Sexual Reality Squeaks Through Kentucky House

The repressed freakazoids in the senate will kill it, of course, but their spittled-flecked hysteria over the very idea of preventing disease in sexually-active teens ought to be a hoot to watch.

From the Courier:
A bill that would require young boys and girls to be immunized for the human papillomavirus, known as HPV, was approved by a narrow margin in the House on Tuesday with a vote of 54-40.

Under the bill, girls ages 9 to 16 and boys ages 10 to 16, would be immunized for the virus, which can lead to cancer. Parents who do not wish to have their children immunized would have the ability to opt out. An amendment approved on the House floor Tuesday would require schools to send out forms to parents explaining the opt-out provision.

Bill sponsor Rep. David Watkins, D-Henderson, said this is an opportunity to possibly prevent cancers and should be done for the health of future generations.
Rep. Ben Waide, R-Madisonville, spoke against the bill on the floor, saying he believes that parents already have the option to vaccinate their children and the state should not mandate it.
It's really fucking hilarious how freakazoid parents convince themselves that ignorance prevents sex.

Hilarious, that is, until the kids die.

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