Wednesday, February 6, 2013

It's ON: Rove Attacks Judd

Bring it, Loser Boy. BRING. IT.

Either Judd is a fragile flower crushed by mean things impotent bullies say, or she's a wildcat-tough mountain girl who's going to make KKKKarl sorry he ever started this fight.

Better that we find out now, rather than after the primary. Thanks, Loser Boy.


The conservative super PAC American Crossroads on Wednesday rolled out an attack ad preemptively aimed at Ashley Judd, who is reportedly mulling a U.S. Senate bid against Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) next year in Kentucky.

Behind $10,000 in digital advertising starting today, the Karl Rove-backed group will run the ad in Kentucky in two weeks. The ad — a parody of a would-be campaign spot for Judd — mocks the actress and activist for her allegiance to President Barack Obama and for previously referring to Tennessee as her home. American Crossroads detailed the campaign in an email sent out Wednesday morning.



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