Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Ky's Yarmuth Proposes $100 Max Campaign Contributions

No, Congressman Awesome does not fuck around.

James R. Carroll at the Courier:
Imagine a campaign for the U.S. House in which the definition of a fat-cat donor is somebody who gives the maximum — of $100.

Imagine that same race, but with the federal government providing a 5-to-1 match for every dollar a candidate raises from state residents.

Rep. John Yarmuth, D-3rd District, not only can imagine it, he’s sponsoring legislation that would make it law.

For a candidate, “your support is much more broadly based, and the odds of your being influenced by a big donor are reduced — essentially eliminated,” the Louisville congressman said recently.

For a candidate’s supporters, public campaign financing “gives voters a much greater opportunity to participate and feel that they’re actually helping a candidate,” Yarmuth said.

“We consider this to be a good government initiative,” he said.
No, of course it doesn't have a chance in hell in this Congress.  But what did I just tell you about fighting the fight? File this bill now, make a big honking stink about it, attract the attention of some sit-home Democratic voters who have been waiting to hear about just this kind of reform, and maybe they go to the polls in 2014 and take the House of Representatives away from the repugs.

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