Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Colin Powell is a Warmongering Coward and Always WIll Be

He knew. He has admitted that he knew he was lying and he knew what the consequences would be. Motherfucker. No, he does not get an iota of respect from me ever.

mugsy at Crooks and Liars:

Ten years ago today (February 5, 2003) then Secretary of State Colin Powell delivered his infamous PowerPoint Presentation before a full session of the U.N., detailing "evidence" of Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein's chemical, biological and nuclear weapons development along with the development of advanced delivery systems.

(GlobalSecurity has the entire 45 slide presentation, plus videos, here.)

With a bit of Googling, I was able to find out just what became of each site/item depicted in these slides. Not a single item shown that day turned out to be true. While reviewing these slides, keep in mind that the United States went to war, and over 4,000 American troops (not to mention and untold number of Iraqi civilians) died based on the claims made in these slides.

(Author's Note: I suppose I have to tell insane Right-Wingers that this post should IN NO WAY be misconstrued as a "defense" of Saddam Hussein. The dictator of Iraq was a monster and earned his place in hell, but the world is FULL of evil dictators and the U.S. cannot be responsible for deposing all of them. Likewise, thousands of U.S. and coalition troops gave their lives fighting a war based on the "evidence" presented in this slideshow, and tens of thousands of Iraqi civilians died. In fact, arguably, more Iraqis died in our 8-year war than under the 24-year reign of Saddam Hussein.)

(Additional videos below the fold.)

Just under 4,500 U.S. troops, 300+ coalition troops, and over 110,000 confirmed Iraqi civilians were killed (with some estimates topping 1million) in a war based on this misinformation. To this day, not a single Bush Administration official has been prosecuted for their role in drumming up this case for war (not to mention the crimes that followed. See : Abu Ghraib.)

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