Saturday, February 18, 2012

Songs to Fight the Plutocracy By: "America First"

Great reminder that conservatives and repugs have always been anti-american, un-democratic fascists at heart. And have always cynically used jingoism to hide it.

Uploaded by Pehuen003


  1. When I listed your choices for this at COGITAMUS -- more or less my 'home blog' as a commenter -- Sir Charles made several sugestions. I made my own, that he come here and make them so he could read the sort of blog that we Progressives should be reading -- one which doesn't get lost commenting on Digby's addition to Yglesias' refutation of Douthat's misinterpretation of an offhand Drum remark -- about what was forgotten two steps ago.

    But he had one so obvious I had to mention it myself, Bob Marley's "Get Up, Stand Up."

    But my own choice -- well, sometime the Good Ship Progressive needs a refurbished banner -- but sometimes it needs a swift kick in the aft. Phil Ochs' "Small Circle of Friends" gives it one.

    (Upload it myself? The reason I don't have my own blog -- besides the non-competition agreement I signed with the makers of Sominex -- is that I never figured out how to make a blogroll. Uploading and embedding are well 'above my pay grade.'

  2. Thank you for the suggestions - they are coming right up!
