Saturday, February 18, 2012

War on Public Employees Also the War on Women

As it is the war on African-Americans. Motherfuckers have spent the last 40 years building a steep slope back to the Dark Ages, and now they're rolling the boulder of American civilization to the top to send it crashing down to a place where only the 1 percent of the 1 percent will survive.

From The Nation:

But since the start of the recovery in June 2009, men’s unemployment has dropped 2.2 percentage points, while women’s unemployment has essentially flat-lined—rising slightly from 7.6 percent in June 2009.

The bad news is that although men lost 70 percent of the 7.5 million jobs that were eliminated between December 2007 and June 2009, men have won 92 percent of the 1.9 million jobs that have been created since then. From “man-cession” we’ve gone to “man-covery.”

One reason is that women represent 57 percent of workers in the public sector (compared with 48 percent in the private sector, where the gains are). They hold a disproportionate share of state and local government jobs—exactly those levels of government that have been shedding workers by the shipload.

As the National Women’s Law Center reports:

Since the recovery began in June 2009, women have now gained 150,000 jobs—a positive change, but still not enough. Why? Because a gain of 150,000 jobs is equal to just eight percent of the more than 1.9 million net jobs the economy has added in the recovery. Women’s shockingly small share of the job growth is because they’ve suffered a disproportionate share of the job losses in the public sector—nearly 70 percent—and have enjoyed less than a quarter of the private sector gains.

Women are finding it harder to find work, and they’re still being paid less than men when they are working. Across the board, women earned on average 78.2 percent of what men earned in 20099 according to the US Census. Even in female-dominated workplaces, men were paid better.

Make abortion impossible, take away contraception, ensure basic health care is too expensive, destroy their children's schools and bar them from any but dead-end, minimum-wage jobs ... now you've got women just where you need them to be: powerless.

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