Saturday, February 18, 2012

Because It Cannot Be Said Often Enough or Strongly Enough


Here's the thing that is instinctively obvious to any normal person: the women are being forced to undergo a physically invasive procedure they do not want and which has no medical purpose by state actors for political reasons. It's like something out of the inquisition. No, these women are not virgins, but the last I heard the definition of rape didn't require virginity. It's about the state not being allowed to stick something inside your body in order to persuade you not to do something you have every legal right to do.

The argument about abortion is all about women's right to make their own decisions about their own bodies. If you want to prove that this is about someone else making decisions about women's bodies, there can be no better way to do that than insisting that pregnant women seeking abortions first have an instrument shoved inside them against their will. These disgusting little sadists are pretending there's nothing wrong with that --- but the pleasure they are clearly taking in the prospect is what gives them away. They know it's coercive. That's the whole point.

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