Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Defining Jobs Down

One of the many problems with putting the plutocratic one percent in public office and in charge of public services like banking is you get public policy being made by people who have no concept of "work" beyond what they get out of their personal servants.

David Atkins ("thereisnospoon") at Hullabaloo:

Mayor Bloomberg:

"What they're trying to do is take the jobs away from people working in this city," Bloomberg said on his weekly radio show, adding that the protests "aren't productive" and weren't good for tourism.

"If the jobs they are trying to get rid of in this city -- the people that work in finance, which is a big part of our economy -- go away, we're not going to have any money to pay our municipal employees or clean our parks or anything else."

You know what else creates lots of jobs? Prostitution. It's the oldest profession on earth. Also, heroin and meth sales. Lots of heroin addicts out there, and I hear business is booming. Child porn, too, employs all sorts of people directly and indirectly. People like Chris Hansen would be sadly unemployed, but those freeloading tweens stealing our tax dollars with their taxpayer-funded school lunches and socialist educations would finally become a productive part of the economy. If only Big Government would step aside and allow those industries to thrive and help pay for municipal employees and clean parks, think what a wonderful world this could be.

Of course, any one of those professions would be more productive and less damaging to society than any industry that ever was involved in selling credit default swaps. But you know what they say: if you ban collateralized debt obligations, only criminals will sell collateralized debt obligations.

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