Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Disrespecting Our Banking Overlords

It happens every time the downtrodden majority rise up against the minority plutocracy: out of terror and guilt, the plutocrats lash out with all the authoritarian violence at their disposal.

Ken Layne at Wonkette:

A lot of people have watched the shocking video of people being locked into the LaGuardia Place Citibank branch while some thug undercover cop wrestled away a nice young lady in a business suit who was apparently arriving at her bank to close her checking account in solidarity with the Occupy Wall Street movement. Meaghan Linick of Brooklyn is the #OWS activist who recorded the whole awful encounter on her Blackberry, and then put it online where it has already been seen a million times. Here’s Linick’s firsthand account of what happened, which she was kind enough to send to Wonkette.

Read the whole shocking thing.

It's going to get worse before it gets better. But there will be inspiring moments like this.

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