Thursday, October 20, 2011

"This is Why They Hate You and Want You to Die"

From Rumproast:

I was seriously tempted to drag “This is Why They Hate You and Want You to Die” by The Reformed Broker (A.K.A. Joshua M. Brown) over here in its entirety. But dude deserves mad page hits for this masterpiece, so here’s a few snippets:

You want to know why everyone in this country hates you and wants you dead, you big stupid fucking bank?

Here’s why, pay attention:

(Reuters) – Bank of America Corp will pay $11 million to ousted executives Joe Price and Sallie Krawcheck, a large payout at a time when banks face protests over pay but smaller than the eight-figure packages some executives received before the financial crisis.


Elevenmilliondollars? What the hell world are you inhabiting? Eleven million dollars for two departing executives because things didn’t work out?


The ordinary American is not a class warrior or a woe-is-me whiner coveting the rewards of others - the ordinary American simply believes that extraordinary rewards should go to those who do extraordinary things, not to paper-pushing failures at parasite banks.

Go. Read it all.

Yes, read it all and pass it on.

Hatred of the banks, the bankers, the finance industry, the hedge fund managers, all the Wall Street Masters of the Universe is not just justified and reasonable; it is proof of mental health.

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