Friday, March 25, 2011

Time for Cable Companies to Put Up or Shut Up

Virtually all our economic problems can be traced back to corporations throwing temper tantrums unless they are handed massive profits on a platter.


Some 133 US cities now offer broadband internet as a public utility, but cable companies say that's an unfair advantage and are lobbying to pull the plug.
The reason we don't have universal, very high-speed, affordable broadband is because those very cable companies refuse to provide it. For years, their customers, their toothless regulators, their local officials and the federal government have been begging them to build the universal broadband system that Europe and Japan have enjoyed for so long.

But the fat and lazy cable companies just yawned and called for more monopoly bon-bons. Now that 133 cities have shown they can provide universal broadband faster and more affordably than the cable companies, the cable boys waddle to Washington and blubber about "competition."

The proper response to these companies is this: You have 30 days to build and connect universal high-speed broadband to every single resident in all 50 states. Fail, and you lose the right to offer internet service to any U.S. resident ever. You think ACA is a government takeover? You ain't seen nothin' yet, assholes.

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