Friday, March 25, 2011

Quote of the Day

The Rude Pundit:

It's one thing for capitalism to be amoral. It's another for it to be immoral.

While that immorality may not be so brazen nowadays, it is there in every cutback made by profitable companies, it is there in every job shipped overseas, it is there in every denial of health care for employees, it is there in every CEO's bonus check. That's why we have unions. That's why, despite the best efforts of the right to destroy them, gut regulation, and trust the immoral corporations again, we need them just as much they did back in 1911.

1 comment:

  1. If only unions weren't immoral as well.

    I have nothing against voluntary unions, free association and all that.

    Your junior Senator is going to be on This Week on ABC Sunday with/against Rumsfield, and some Dem Senator who goes around saying 'bomb Libya' or something.

    Who are you going to root for?
