Friday, March 25, 2011

Flintstone Truthers Insult Kentucky Supporters

Christian homeschoolers of Kentucky: Do you know that the builders of the great Ark Encounter think that you all are a bunch of drug-addicted, alcoholic, anti-war, fucking (literally) hippies? That you are as bad as war criminals?

Do you really want your tax dollars going to people who think you are as bad as war criminals?

Media Czech:

Looks like the son of Flintstone Truther and intellectual child abuser Ken Ham is a chip off the old block.

Nathan Ham comes to the defense of his dad against the folks at the Great Homeschool Convention who have banned him from their convention for being too flamboyantly hateful and intolerant of those who don't share his belief that humans rode saddled T-Rexes a few thousand years ago.

Who are those young earth Christian homeschoolers like? Dope smoking fornicating hippies!

Some Christians today are like the hippies of 50 years ago who used the word “love” to justify their fornications and sins against the word of God. The hippie culture is often pictured as a group of drug-addicted, fornicating drunks whose catchphrase “make love, not war” gave their movement a false sense of piety.
Read the whole thing.

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