Monday, October 18, 2010

When Wikileaks Could Have Saved Us

Hindsight, I know. But the question is not "what if" then, but what we can learn now.

Jon Wiener in The Nation:

As WikiLeaks prepares to release 400,000 Iraq war documents, two former government security officials argue that WikiLeaks could have prevented 9-11, if the website had been around in 2001.

The two ought to know: Coleen Rowley, the Minneapolis FBI agent who tried to sound the alarm a month before 9-11, and Bogdan Dzakovic, a special agent for the FAA’s security division, who was a leader of the agency’s “Red Team” that was warning officials about vulnerabilities in airport security just before 9-11.

“Things might have been different if there had been a quick, confidential way to get information out,” the two write – and WikiLeaks could have provided exactly that, according to their op-ed in the L.A. Times on Friday.

Read the whole thing.

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