Monday, October 18, 2010

Rand Paul Melt Down

Remember the 2000 Senate race in New York? Rick Lazio refused to shake his opponent's hand after a debate because he was pissed about an ad. Hillary Rodham Clinton beat his ass by a mile.

From the Herald:

A debate filled with unabashed personal attacks concluded Sunday night with Republican Rand Paul briskly brushing past Democrat Jack Conway, refusing to shake the hand of an opponent who raised questions about his religious beliefs.

“Jack, have you no decency? Have you no shame?” Paul asked Conway during the fourth of five scheduled debates between Kentucky’s U.S. Senate candidates.

Paul said Conway’s actions were “a disgrace” that should disqualify Conway from the heated contest Kentuckians will decide Nov. 2.

Paul’s initial comments in the debate focused on a Conway TV ad that began airing over the weekend that says Paul was in a secret brotherhood while in college at Baylor University that mocked Christianity. It also alleged that he tied up a woman while in college and forced her to bow down to a god named “Aqua Buddha.”

Read the whole thing.

Media Czech has the tape.

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