Monday, October 18, 2010

Repugs: If It Works, Kill It

Steven Benen questions the recent wingnut enthusiasm for privatizing the VA:

I'm not sure why the right decided to launch this anti-VA nonsense, but so long as conservatives are pushing this line, it's worth setting the record straight.

Why privatizie one of the most successful departments in the federal government?

Because it's successful, that's why. Like Social Security and Medicare, the VA proves that government can do things right. Big things, important things. Social security is cradle-to-grave welfare, Medicare is single-payer and VA healthcare is socialized medicine. All are hugely popular. All point the way to the kind of prosperous, peaceful socialistic paradise Europeans enjoy.

And Americans will enjoy that kind of effective, popular government over the repugs' dead bodies.

The repug plan here is simple: destroy successful, popular government programs through privatization, then point to failures as proof government can't work.

They've been doing it since 1981, picking off the low-hanging fruit like defense contracting. All that's left are the three behemoths of successful, popular liberal government: Social Security and VA.

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