Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The Fighter Wins

Uh, no.

Democrat Jack Conway’s aggressive television ad raising questions about opponent Rand Paul’s religious faith could hurt Conway more than it helps him at a crucial time in the U.S. Senate race, political observers said Monday.

Yep, that's exactly the kind of don't-upset-the-bullies advice that's been defeating Democrats for decades.

Here's a more realistic reaction:

Based on the emails we're getting it's fair to say that our readers, or at least the ones who are taking the time to write in (which is a lot), overwhelmingly, almost unanimously love Jack Conway's ad whacking Rand Paul over 'Aqua Buddha' and see resistance to that kind of politicking as a root flaw of the Democratic party.

As I commented at Zandar's place yesterday:

I have been as critical of Conway as anyone, and I also criticized this ad on Constitutional, not political, grounds.

Politically, this ad is FUCKING GENIUS. It also worked like a charm.

It got under Paul's skin to the point he came off looking like a whiny-assed titty baby AND a boor who wouldn't shake hands.

And it doesn't matter what Conway actually said or accused Paul of doing or being.

What matters is that voters see Conway FIGHTING ON OFFENSE. And Paul whining in defense.

The fighter wins. Every time.

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