Thursday, July 2, 2015

Tribble Will Marry Same-Sex Couples in Kentucky

No, not that Tribble.  The Tribble who is County Judge-Executive of ... wait for it ... Christian County in Western Kentucky.

A county-owned wedding chapel where Judge-Executive Steve Tribble has performed marriage ceremonies for more than 20 years will now accept same-sex couples. Calling it one of the hardest decisions he’s ever made, Tribble said he chose to keep the chapel open for everyone.

“I didn’t just flip a coin,” Tribble said. “I’ve poured over this since Friday. I didn’t take it lightly.”

His decision Wednesday followed the U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling Friday that same-sex marriage is legal in all 50 states. In his position as judge-executive, Tribble has the authority to perform marriage ceremonies. If he had decided not to perform same-sex marriages, he would have stopped performing marriages altogether.

He said the final decision came down to discrimination and whether denying marriage to same-sex couples falls under that category. He said it does.

“I’ve never discriminated against anyone, whether it be a religion, gender, race — and I’m not going to start now,” he said.
Hey Chris Hayes: How about interviewing this brave Kentucky official before his freakazoid asshole constituents vote him out of office?

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