Thursday, July 2, 2015

Dear KY Freakazoid Assholes: Stay the Fuck Off TV

I'd say embarrassing the state like this should be a crime, but refusing to do your fucking job already is.
A defiant Kentucky clerk says his conscience will not allow him to provide marriage licenses to same-sex couples.
But your conscience will allow you to keep taking the tax dollars of secular and LGBT taxpayers while spitting in their faces and refusing to do your job.
Appearing on MSNBC's All In with Chris Hayes late Wednesday evening, Casey County Clerk Casey Davis said Gov. Steve Beshear should provide "some sort of relief" for clerks who have moral objections to the Supreme Court's ruling that legalized gay marriage.
How about this for relief?  Resign, motherfucker, or report directly to jail.
Davis said when he was first elected five years ago the state law he took an oath to protect said marriage is between one man and one woman.

"I did not take an oath that said I would lay my personal feelings down to do this job nor will I ever do that," Davis said. "As a matter of fact I said I would do this job to the best of my ability, so help me God, and the best of my ability does not go beyond what my conscience will allow me to do."

Davis shared those sentiments with Beshear directly in a June 29 letter to the governor's office. Read the letter here.

He said the governor's order for county clerks to issue marriage licenses to gay couples is forcing those state elected officials to violate their religious beliefs.

"To me, that puts me in a 'prison' and it puts government on the wrong side of, as our Declaration (of Independence) states, the laws of nature," Davis said in the letter.

Owsley County, which previously indicated it would not issue licenses, has resumed doing so. Meanwhile, the clerk's office in Green County said it will not.

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