Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Because What KY Elections Need is Corporate Money

Yep, the problem is that Big Coal does not have enough influence over our politicians.

Brad Bowman at the State Journal:

On behalf of a right-to-work nonprofit, the Goldwater Institute filed a lawsuit (last month) against the Kentucky Registry of Election Finance challenging Kentucky’s law prohibiting corporations from making campaign contributions. 

The lawsuit was filed in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Kentucky Central Division in Frankfort on behalf of Protect My Check, Inc. against the Kentucky Registry of Election Finance Chairman Craig Dilger and Executive Director John Steffen.

Jim Manley, lead attorney for the Goldwater Institute, said the group has filed a similar suit on behalf of two companies in Massachusetts.

Kentucky and Massachusetts are two of six states that have laws banning corporations from making contributions to political candidates, parties or committees. The other states include Montana, West Virginia, Minnesota and Iowa. 
The suit and the quotes from the Arizona-based plaintiff are stuffed as full of motherfucking lies as you might expect.  Here's just one corrective: Two corporate billionaires outspend the top 10 unions combined.

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