Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Homophobic Freakazoid Clerk Does Right Thing: Resigns

if your religion prevents you from doing your job, you resign or get your ass fired.

Of course not. If she were motivated by hate, she would stay in the position, collecting her salary and thumbing her nose at the gay and atheist taxpayers who pay it.

Like the asshole County Clerk of Rowan County, Kentucky.  Two years ago, the county seat of Rowan County - Morehead - passed a city-wide fairness ordinance to ban discrimination against LGBT people.  Although the county courthouse in which the County Clerk works is located in the heart of beautiful downtown Morehead, the County Clerk thinks she can defy city and federal law.
Rowan County Clerk Kim Davis told WKYT, "It is my deep conviction and belief that God ordained marriage between a man and a woman. I can't be a part of this."

WKYT is reporting that dozens of demonstrators showed up to the Rowan County Courthouse Tuesday to protest Kim Davis' decision.
Kim Davis, in the name of the tens of thousands of secular, gay-loving taxpayers of the Commonwealth of Kentucky, I declare that You. Are. Fired.

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