Saturday, January 31, 2015

KY Dem "Unity" Not Strength But Irrelevance

When the top of your ticket - the purported savior of your party - is the loser who got beat bad by the Tribble-Toupeed One, your party is not in trouble. Your party is the walking dead.

We. Are. So. Fucked.

Sam Youngman at the Herald:
Still, a number of indicators resulting from that loss and previous elections suggested a bleak future for Democrats in Kentucky as Republicans made gains in the state Senate, appeared to have a lock on federal races and were excited about the prospect of winning back the governor's mansion.

But with Grimes deciding to run for the lower-profile office and not challenging Attorney General Jack Conway in the Democratic primary for governor, a possible fatal split has been avoided. That leaves Conway as the presumed front-runner in the governor's race given that the four Republican candidates face a ruthless battle for the GOP nomination.

"I think Jack is definitely the front-runner, and it's all setting up well for him," said U.S. Rep. John Yarmuth, D-Louisville.

Shortly after the deadline for candidates to enter the race passed Tuesday afternoon, Conway's running mate, state Rep. Sannie Overly of Paris, emailed their supporters a fundraising plea with "the big news."

"The deadline for candidates to file to be on the ballot has passed and no major Democratic candidate has filed to challenge Jack and me​ in the primary election," Overly wrote. "That means that we can focus on getting ready to defeat whomever comes out of the Republican primary election."

Yarmuth, an early supporter of Grimes in her Senate race and Conway in this year's race for governor, told the Herald-Leader Wednesday that had Grimes announced a run for governor, she "would've risked fracturing the party."

"That was a move toward party unity," Yarmuth said of her decision to seek re-election. "I don't think there's any question about it."

From top to bottom, the state Democratic Party appears to be in a strong position going into this year's election for state constitutional offices, in part because the factional in-fighting that has plagued the party for years seems unlikely given the lack of competition among the warring tribes.

O'Neill and other Democrats said their optimism is largely founded on the fact that Conway and other Democratic candidates can focus their time and energy on raising and saving money and crafting a winning message for November.
How about spending time getting out and meeting actual Democratic voters, asking them what you can do to improve their lives, and imploring them to get out and vote in November?

How about calling out the repug motherfucking liars for lying about fucking their mothers?

How about running like goddamn Democratic candidates?

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