Friday, January 30, 2015

Eliminate the Rich. Do It Now.

Name one single fucking thing that the rich do that helps this country.

No, they don't create jobs. They sit on their piles of unearned cash like Scrooge McDuck, when they're not flying their private planes to Davos to lecture the unwashed on the virtues of sacrifice.

No, they don't give to charity.  They give to fat colleges like Harvard or fatter art museums to name buildings and galleries after them.  Poor people give to real charities that help people.

No, they don't pay taxes. Not a fucking penny.  The poor and middle class pay the taxes in this country.

Every single thing the rich do hurts and damages and undermines this country. Especially lying about how it's the poor who hurt the country.

Who deserves more to die in the cause of helping the nation?

Erik Loomis at LGM:
If I wrote an op-ed that said my ideology created policy preferences that might lead to the execution of the rich but, hey, we have to make trade-offs, I would not only not get that op-ed published, but I’d probably be reported to the FBI.

If I wrote an op-ed that said my ideology created policy preferences that might lead to the death of the poor, but, hey, we have to make trade-offs, I’d be Fred Hiatt’s new best friend.

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