Sunday, November 17, 2013

KY to Follow Federal Law; Extends Human Rights to Human Beings

What part of "Don't Fuck with the G" do opponents of obeying federal law not understand?

Are they ready to write a check for the hundreds of millions of state tax dollars it will cost to replace the federal funds Kentucky will lose by rejecting this Pentagon directive?

Do they give a flying fuck about anything except forcing everyone to follow their Bronze Age mythology?

From the Courier::
Kentucky Gov. Steve Beshear has accepted a recommendation from the state's adjutant general to allow spouses of gay National Guard members to apply for federal marriage benefits, a newspaper reported Saturday.

Kentucky Adjutant General Edward Tonini recommended the state follow Defense Department policy and a U.S. Supreme Court ruling, despite Kentucky's ban on gay marriages. Beshear spokeswoman Kerri Richardson said the governor affirmed the recommendation.

"They're service members applying for benefits, so we give them to them," said Lt. Col. Kirk Hilbrecht, a Guard spokesman

Since the benefits became available in September, four have received them in Kentucky.

The Defense Department policy says gay spouses should be given the same federal benefits as heterosexuals.
The directive from Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel came after the Supreme Court struck down the part of the Defense of Marriage Act that prohibited the federal government from recognizing same-sex marriages.


For Chris Rowzee and her spouse, Master Sgt. Novia Engelhardt, who works full time for the Kentucky Air National Guard in Louisville, the benefits provide savings of about $1,600 a month for the couple and their 18-month-old son, C.J. Rowzee.

Chris Rowzee said she and the baby are now covered by her spouse's military health insurance plan, and they get a housing allowance for a family.

But she said the intangible benefits are just as good. She said she "now feels like part of the military family" because she is eligible for support that helps military spouses cope during deployments.

Rowzee and her partner lived together for 12 years before they married in Washington on Sept. 1, then applied for benefits two days later on the first day it was allowed. She said the couple have received "nothing but positive response from her unit and leadership."
Am I the only one who thinks "one man one woman" is wearing thin?

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