Saturday, November 16, 2013

Fighting the Bluegrass Pipeline: One Couple's Story

And they're not alone.

From WDRB:
Worry and even fear continue over the plans to build a pipeline through parts of central Kentucky.

Bob and Deb Pekny live in a peaceful and remote area of Woodford County along the Kentucky River, about five miles upstream from the Kentucky State Capitol building.

But they are afraid that their peace and quiet will someday be disturbed.  "To have something this dangerous come to the neighborhood is mind blowing, I don't know how this can happen," says Bob Pekny.

The couple is concerned about the plans to build a 150 mile pipeline through the state that will run just a half mile down the road from where they live.

The pipeline will carry natural gas liquids.

"If there is an explosion," says Bob Pekny, "there is an excellent chance that this entire community down here on the river will be destroyed."

Last week Bob attended a rally at the state Capitol building in Frankfort opposing the pipeline.  But Debi Pekny stayed away.  "I have not slept through the night since this whole mess started," she says.

Two energy infrastructure companies, Williams and Boardwalk want to build the pipeline.  They say it will be safe and that residents should not be worried.

But the Peknys disagree:  "I went from being concerned, to worried, to scared out of my mind, and now my fear has fueled my anger."

The couple is part of a growing grass roots effort to stop the pipeline.  They would like state government and local governments to step in and help.
But the pipeline company is threatening the power of eminent domain.
For Bob and Deb Pekny, the fight has just begun. 'We will keep working until there is some satisfactory resolution," says Deb Pekny.
 Find out more at

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