Tuesday, August 13, 2013

These Are the Kentucky Voters Who Will Re-Elect Mitch McConnell

They are also the ones DINOs like Alison Lundergan Grimes thinks will vote for her if she pretends to be a repug hard enough.

KKK 2013 (via Political Carnival)

I am proud to announce that the Realm of Kentucky is hosting a Cross Lighting in the Louisa/Yatesville area. One of our members owns around 10 acres and has been nice enough to host the event. The event will be open to members, family of members and people who have met local leaders that are interested in joining.

The event will be held September 14, 2013, which falls on a Saturday. We do not expect trouble since the event is held on private property. There will be tons of food, fun and of course, the Cross Lighting. We are placing the Cross on a hill on the property which should be seen from a very far distance!

No drugs of any sort are allowed. Donations are not expected, but are welcomed. Please see Kentucky’s Grand Dragon James Roberts for more information about the event.
Here's a little note Gotta Laff found from the Grand Dragon Roberts:
Parent, its scary to think you are raising children. The United States was founded by white people, the majority being Christian.

Louisa is a low educated town, filled with pill poppers and obese losers. The Klan is needed.

If you want to raise your children to tolerate sodomy and race-mixing, go ahead. The Bible commands against both. The Klan is alive and well.
Good to know.

Oh, and never let it be said that they aren't decent all-American citizens;
Membership Requirements

Lately I’ve been flocked with dozens of emails asking what our requirements are. Our requirements are very simple. I will cover each one with a paragraph or two. We do not take applications.

Applications leave paper trails. People seeking membership must meet one of our local leaders. This is non-debatable.

You Must Be White – If your parents aren’t fully white; grandparents aren’t fully white and great grandparents aren’t fully white (and so forth), you aren’t white. 1/4 white, 1/8 white and 1/24 white doesn’t cut it. The Bible is clear that mongrels (mix-breeds) are not accepted.

You Must Be Christian – It makes me sick that Klan groups such as the UKA and the IKA allowed Atheists, Pagans and other Christ haters membership. Since 1915, the Klan has only allowed White Christians membership. If you aren’t Christian, the New Empire Knights is not the Klan for you.

You Must Conduct Yourself in a Christian Manner – Drug addicts, drunks, wife beaters, child molesters, homos, bisexuals, swingers, porn supporters, race-mixers and bums are not welcomed. Any current members caught doing the above will be automatically kicked out.

You Must Obey the Law – The New Empire Knights will not tolerate criminals. We are about Christian love, charity and the doing of good works. Being white and proud does not make one racist or evil. Our goal is not to hate nonwhites and others. Our mission is to love and defend the white race.
Funny how "defend the white race" always requires killing everybody who's not one of them.

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