Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Punishment for Poor Grades: Death

I am not even fucking kidding.

Diane Sweet at Crooks and Liars:
The family of 15-year-old Anthony Stokes are pleading with Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta to add his name to the transplant list for a new heart because he has less than six months to live.

Stokes' family has been told that Anthony doesn’t qualify for the transplant list because he has a “history of non-compliance," partly due to a history of low grades and having had some trouble with the law.
Georgia.  Where the not-pale-enough color of this young man's skin has absolutely nothing to do with the decision to let him die of congestive heart failure - a slow, painful death by suffocation - ostensibly for the crime of not doing well in school.

No, not at all.  Because it's never about race.

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